Provider identification according to §5 DDG:
Dokas Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Europastraße 23
45888 Gelsenkirchen
Phone +49 209 519568-00
Fax +49 209 519568-99
Managing Director
Andreas Pannenbäcker, Marcel Wolf
Amtsgericht Essen HRB 19318
Tax no. 111/5749/0492
VAT ID no. DE814715156
Responsible for the content:
Marcel Wolf
Europastraße 23
45888 Gelsenkirchen
Legal information
Dokas constantly checks and updates the information on this website. Despite all due care, data and information of any kind may not be up to date. Any liability, guarantee or other responsibility for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided is therefore excluded.
The same applies to all other websites to which direct reference is made by means of hyperlinks or in any other way. Dokas is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via such links or references.
Furthermore, Dokas reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided at any time.
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